Hi, John. Sometimes in life we meet with an insurmountable obstacle. And we can't get around him. At such moments of the rest e tsya hopes for the help of a friend. A friend who has a lot of life experience. A friend who can give valuable advice. Often a small hint can do a great deal. If you are ready to listen to me, answer. Do you have an answer to that question? Whole, Anyuta. Letter for favorite. Yesterday I went to visit my old sister. She's got a son. He's 8 years old. The sister promised to go with him to the zoomagazin. But she had a trip to another city. I went to the shop. Until that time I did not understand anything in the fish. I had to spend 3 days to deal with this issue. It upset me a little. But his happy eyes said that I did not waste time. Now I realized that you should not spare time for your loved ones. How do you behave in such situations? Invitations. You did not notice that the stars shine brighter when you get a letter from a loved one . Has that happened to you? Do you like to make plans for family life? How often you are visited by such thoughts? How real do you think it is to love each other all your life? I have no one to discuss my dreams with.You don't want to keep me company? Even if we are very different, can't we be a complement to each other? Let us communicate for a very short time, but it seems to me that I know you 100 years. Who can I share my dreams with? Where're you? Tell me about who you see in your dreams? Maybe it's me? It often happens that the main person is quite near, and we do not see it. Look in my direction. When happiness is near in the soul ringing bells.What do you hear now?